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Unlock the Secrets of the Culture Map: A Marketer's Roadmap to Navigating Cultural Differences

Image showing The Culture Map's book cover by Erin Meyer

From the outset, punctuality has always been a quality I have staunchly advocated for, regardless of any cultural background. This personal value was instilled in me from a young age. I recall once, as the marketing manager for a Dutch company, advising a new intern in my team always to arrive on time for work. I explained that punctuality could save their reputation, even if their performance was subpar. While my statement was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, the essence of the message was clear: when working abroad, it is crucial to be mindful of the cultural norms and expectations surrounding you, particularly those of your superiors.

Enter: The Culture Map

During a business trip, I chanced upon the insightful book, The Culture Map, at an airport bookstore. Although some concepts in the book may seem familiar to those who have lived and worked abroad for several years, there is still much to be gleaned from its pages. I have always considered myself culturally knowledgeable, having worked with various cultures and in multiple countries for over a decade. However, I quickly realized that there is a marked difference between knowing someone from a particular background and working with them in their native country.

To illustrate my point, let me recount my experience attempting to close a deal with the top telecommunications company in Myanmar. The negotiation process entailed over two hundred email exchanges, one face-to-face meeting with a C-level representative in Singapore, and numerous video calls with their operations team. Despite my familiarity with lengthy negotiations, I struggled when it took two months to receive their signed contract, causing my frustration to soar.

It was at this juncture that The Culture Map proved invaluable. I noticed that most of the people involved in the email exchanges were Japanese, including the key decision-makers. I recalled reading about the Japanese "ringi" system, which requires consensus among the majority of management before making any commitments. Furthermore, the Japanese tend to adopt a group decision-making approach, in contrast to the top-down style favored by countries like China.

Armed with this knowledge, I exercised patience and refrained from sending frequent email reminders, ultimately securing the deal. This experience highlighted the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences, particularly in business negotiations.

The Culture Map, penned by author Erin Meyer, serves as an ongoing reference point for me. Meyer presents her content in an engaging and accessible manner, offering invaluable insights into cross-cultural interactions. The book's core consists of an eight-scale model outlining various aspects, including communication (low-context vs. high context), evaluation (direct negative feedback vs. indirect negative feedback), persuasion (principle-first vs. application-first), leadership (egalitarian vs. hierarchical), decision-making (consensual vs. top-down), trust (task-based vs. relationship-based), disagreement (confrontational vs. avoids confrontation) and scheduling (linear-time vs. flexible-time).

All these principles together comprise the "Culture Map":

Image showing a graph taken from the book "Culture Map" by Erin Meyer

(Source: ErinMeyer 2020, The Country Mapping Tool, viewed 26 April 2020, <>)

In practical terms, if you're curious about preparing for a meeting with Americans or Russians or seeking the most effective way to voice your opinions among Italians or Japanese without coming across as impolite, this book provides invaluable guidance.

In conclusion, irrespective of living or working abroad, marketers must master interacting with diverse cultures, as this skill sets an exceptional marketer apart from a mediocre one. Feel free to share your own cultural experiences in the comments below! Get your copy of The Culture Map here. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

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