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People: The Central Element in the Four Ps of Marketing

Image showing the letter M, for marketing

Marketing Misconceptions and the Four Ps

It's interesting to observe how everyone seems to have an opinion on marketing and claims to be an expert in the field. But what exactly is marketing? It's known to be deriving from the Latin word "Mercatus", which means to trade, and many people refer to it as sales, but really, what is marketing from a human standpoint?

While marketing is often associated with sales, its true essence lies in understanding the human aspect. With countless books on marketing, each offering a unique perspective, it's essential to focus on the core elements.

During my university days, I learned about the Four Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Over time, these concepts have evolved to include more Ps, but one aspect remains crucial: People.

The Central Role of People in Marketing

In my view, marketing is a tool for selling, persuading, influencing, creating conflicts, showcasing the best, sparking interest, and eliciting emotions. Among all these potential uses, the common denominator is people:

  • To whom do you sell? People!

  • Who do you want to persuade? People!

  • Who do you want to influence? People!

  • Who do you want to help? People, hopefully!

People are the essential elements of marketing. Without them, marketing wouldn't exist. Even in the absence of a thriving economy, people are still the backbone of marketing, influence, and persuasion.

The Shift Towards People-Centric Marketing

As a marketing enthusiast, I consume numerous books on the subject each year. Recently, I've noticed an increasing focus on people in these books.

Understanding people, a complex task in itself, empowers marketers to maximize marketing's potential. Of course, people alone aren't enough for marketing to exist – that's where the other Ps come into play.

If you're interested in gaining more knowledge about the fundamentals of marketing or the 4 Ps, I strongly recommend checking out "The Principles of Marketing" by Philip Kotler, my trusted university companion. This book provides comprehensive insights into marketing from an academic perspective, and I believe it would be a valuable addition to your reading list.

Conclusion: Identifying the True Marketing 'Experts'

Here's an exercise for you: the next time you hear someone talking about marketing, listen carefully to see if they mention the connection with people. If they don't, you've likely stumbled upon another self-proclaimed 'expert.' By recognizing the central role of people in marketing and focusing on this critical aspect, marketers can unlock the true potential of marketing strategies and connect with their audience more effectively.

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